Class 12 - Chapter 3 : Population Composition

List of Questions and Answers

1. The ratio between the number of women and men in the population is called the __________.

Ans: Sex Ratio

2. Which one of the following has caused the sex ratio of the United Arab Emirates to be low?
a) Selective migration of male working population
b) High birth rate of males
c) Low birth rate of females
d) High out migration of females

Ans: a) Selective migration of male working population

3. Which one of the following figures represents the working age group of the population?
a) 15 to 65 years
b) 15 to 64 years
c) 15 to 66 years
d) 15 to 59 years

Ans: d) 15 to 59 years

4. Which one of the following countries has the highest sex ratio in the world?
a) Latvia
b) United Arab Emirates
c) Japan
d) France

Ans: a) Latvia

5.What do you understand by population composition?

Population composition is determined based on sex , age structure, occupation, literacy rate etc. People of any country are diverse in many respects. Each person is unique in her/his own way. People can be distinguished by their age, sex and their place of residence.

6.What is the significance of age-structure?

Age structure represents the number of people of different age groups. This is an important indicator of population composition, since a large size of population in the age group of 15- 59 indicates a large working population. A greater proportion of population above 60 years represents an ageing population which requires more expenditure on health care facilities. Similarly high proportion of young population would mean that the region has a high birth rate and the population is youthful.

7.How is sex-ratio measured?

The ratio between the number of women and men in the population is called the Sex Ratio.
In some countries it is calculated by using the formula:
Male Population / Female Population * 1000
or the number of males per thousand females.
In India, the sex ratio is worked out using the formula:
Female Population / Male Population * 1000
or the number of females per thousand males.

8. Describe the rural-urban composition of the population.

The division of population into rural and urban is based on the residence.
This division is necessary because rural and urban life styles differ from each other in terms of their livelihood and social conditions.
The age-sex-occupational structure, density of population and level of development vary between rural and urban areas.
The criteria for differentiating rural and urban population varies from country to country.
In general terms rural areas are those where people are engaged in primary activities and urban areas are those when majority of the working population is engaged in non-primary activities.