Class 11 History - Chapter 6 : The Three Orders

List of Questions and Answers

1. The First order in the Feudal society was held by the ________.
a) Lords
b) Clergy
c) Peasants
(Chapter 6 - The Three Orders)

Ans: b) Clergy

2. The Germanic tribe who gave the name to Gaul making it France was_________.
a) Franks
b) Vikings
c) Clovis
(Chapter 6 - The Three Orders)

Ans: a) Franks

3.The direct tax levied by kings on the peasants was called _______
a) Taille
b) Tithe
c) Feudal levies
(Chapter 6 - The Three Orders)

Ans: a) Taille

4.What is Tithe?
(Chapter 6 - The Three Orders)

Ans:The Church was entitled to a tenth share of whatever the peasants produced from their land and that is called a "tithe".

5.What is labour rent?
(Chapter 6 - The Three Orders)

Ans:Peasant families had to set aside certain days of the week, usually three but often more, when they would go to the lord's estate and work there. The output from such labour, called labour-rent and the efforts would go directly to the lord.

6.Explain the duties of the Serfs.
(Chapter 6 - The Three Orders)


  • Serfs cultivated plots of land, but these belonged to the lord,so the major of the produce had to be given to the lord.
  • They also had to work on the land which belonged exclusively to the lord.
  • They received no wages and could not leave the estate without the lord’s permission.
  • The lord claimed a number of monopolies at the expense of his serfs.
  • Serfs could use only their lord's mill to grind their flour, his oven to bake their bread, and his winepresses to distil wine and beer.
  • The lord could decide whom a serf should marry, or might give his blessing to the serf’s choice, but on payment of a fee.

7. Explain Feudalism
(Chapter 6 - The Three Orders)


  • The term "feudalism" has been used by historians to describe the economic, legal, political and social relationships that existed in Europe in the medieval era.
  • Feudalism is derived from the German word "feud" that means a piece of land.It refers to the kind of society that developed in medieval France, and later in England and in southern Italy.
  • In an economic sense, feudalism refers to a kind of agricultural production which is based on the relationship between lords and peasants.

8. Why did the the Pope give King Charlemagne the title of "Holy Roman Emperor".
(Chapter 6 - The Three Orders)

Ans: The French had very strong links with the Church. So in 800 pope gave King Charlemagne the title of "Holy Roman Emperor", to ensure his support.

9.Explain Nobility as second order.
(Chapter 6 - The Three Orders)


  • The nobility had, in reality, a central role in social processes. This is because they controlled land. This control was the outcome of a practice called "vassalage".
  • The kings of France were linked to the people by "vassalage". The big landowners – the nobles – were vassals of the king, and peasants were vassals of the landowners.
  • A nobleman accepted the king as his senior and they made a mutual promise: the senior/lord would protect the vassal, who would be loyal to him.
  • The noble enjoyed a privileged status. He had absolute control over his property, in perpetuity. He could raise troops called "feudal levies". The lord held his own courts of justice and could even coin his own money.

10.Explain "vassalage".
(Chapter 6 - The Three Orders)

Ans: Priests placed themselves in the first order and nobles in the second. The nobility had, in reality, a central role in social processes. This is because they controlled land. This control was the outcome of a practice called "vassalage".

11.How was the life of Christian monks in a monastery during the medieval period of Europe?
(Chapter 6 - The Three Orders)


  • Monks were deeply religious who chose to live isolated lives. They lived separately in religious communities called abbeys or monasteries, often in places very far from human habitation.
  • Monks took vows to remain in the abbey for the rest of their lives and to spend their time in prayer, study and manual labour, like farming.
  • Both men and women were free to become monks. The men became monks and women nuns.
  • All abbeys were single-sex communities, that is, there were separate abbeys for men and women. Like priests, monks and nuns did not marry.

12.Who were friars?
(Chapter 6 - The Three Orders)

Ans: Friars were groups of monks that chose not to be based in a monastery but to move from place to place, preaching to the people and living on charity.

13.Describe the manorial estate or manor house during the medieval period of Europe?
(Chapter 6 - The Three Orders)


  • A lord had his own manor-house. He also controlled villages and some lords controlled hundreds of villages where peasants lived.
  • A small manorial estate could contain a dozen families, while larger estates might include fifty or sixty.
  • Almost everything needed for daily life was found on the estate: grain was grown in the fields, blacksmiths and carpenters maintained the lord's implements and repaired his weapons, while stonemasons looked after his buildings.
  • Women spun and wove fabric, and children worked in the lord's wine-presses.
  • The estate had extensive woodlands and forests where the lords hunted. They contained pastures where his cattle and his horses grazed.
  • The manor could not be completely self-sufficient because salt, millstones and metalware had to be obtained from outside sources.

14.Why did knights become a distinct group, and when did they decline?
(Chapter 6 - The Three Orders)


  • There were were frequent wars in Europe. The amateur peasant-soldiers were not sufficient, and good cavalry was needed. This led to the growing importance of a new section of people called the knights.
  • The lord gave the knight a piece of land (called ‘fief’) and promised to protect it.
  • The knight paid his lord a regular fee and promised to fight for him in war. To keep up their skills, knights spent time each day fencing and practising tactics with dummies.
  • A knight might serve more than one lord, but his foremost loyalty was to his own lord.
  • The end of feudalism brought a decline to the knight group.

15.What is fief?
(Chapter 6 - The Three Orders)

Ans: A fief is piece of land given by the lord to the knight .The fief could be inherited. It extended to anything between 1,000 and 2,000 acres or more, including a house for the knight and his family, a church and other establishments to house his dependants, besides a watermill and a wine-press.

16.Explain the first order the clergy group.
(Chapter 6 - The Three Orders)


  • The Catholic Church had its own laws, owned lands given to it by rulers, and could levy taxes. It was thus a very powerful institution which did not depend on the king.
  • At the head of the western Church was the Pope. He lived in Rome. The Christians in Europe were guided by bishops and clerics – who constituted the first "order".
  • The women and serfs could not become priests. Only Men were allowed to become priests but they could not marry.
  • Bishops were the religious nobility. Like lords who owned vast landed estates, the bishops also had the use of vast estates, and lived in grand palaces.
  • The Church was entitled to a tenth share of whatever the peasants produced from their land over the course of the year, called a "tithe".
  • Money also came in the form of endowments made by the rich for their own welfare and the welfare of their deceased relatives in the afterlife.

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