Class 12 Sociology - Social Change And Development in India : Chapter 4 - Change and Development in Rural Society - Questions and Answers

List of Questions and Answers

Q 1.In which decade was the Green Revolution enforced in India?
(Social Change and Development in India Chapter 4: change and development in rural society)

Ans: a) 1960-1970

Q 2.Who gave the name 'footloose labour' to migrant workers?
a) Jan Breman
b) Spencer
c) Auguste Comte
d) None of the above
(Social Change and Development in India Chapter 4: change and development in rural society)

Ans: a) Jan Breman

Q 3.The term agrarian structure is often used to refer to the structure or distribution of _________.
(Social Change and Development in India Chapter 4: change and development in rural society)

Ans: landholding

Q 4.The halpati system belongs to ______________.
a) Rajasthan
b) Gujarat
c) Karnataka
d) None of the above
(Social Change and Development in India Chapter 4: change and development in rural society)

Ans: b) Gujarat

Q 5.The jeeta system belongs to ___________.
a) Rajasthan
b) Gujarat
c) Karnataka
d) None of the above
(Social Change and Development in India Chapter 4: change and development in rural society)

Ans:c) Karnataka

Q 6.Bhumihars is a dominant caste that belongs to __________.
a) Bihar
b) Karnataka
c) Rajasthan
d) Gujarat
(Social Change and Development in India Chapter 4: change and development in rural society)

Ans:a) Bihar

Q 7.From ____________ a series of land reform laws were passed – at the national level as well as in the states.
a) 1950 to 1970
b) 1940 to 1950
c) 1960 to 1980
d) 1930 to 1960
(Social Change and Development in India Chapter 4: change and development in rural society)

Ans:a) 1950 to 1970

Q 8.The most effective land reforms law that was passed was _________________.
(Social Change and Development in India Chapter 4: change and development in rural society)

Ans:abolition of the zamindari system

Q 9.______________ laws imposed an upper limit on the amount of land that can be owned by a particular family.
(Social Change and Development in India Chapter 4: change and development in rural society)

Ans: Land Ceiling Acts

Q 10.The change in the nature of the relationship between landlords and agricultural workers was described as a shift from ‘patronage to exploitation’ by the sociologist ___________.
a) Spencer
b) Jan Breman
c) Auguste Comte
d) None of the above
(Social Change and Development in India Chapter 4: change and development in rural society)

Ans: b) Jan Breman

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