Class 12 - Sociology Important 1 Mark Questions and Answers

List of Questions and Answers

Q 1.Who were the main carriers of nationalism during colonial period? .
(a) Rural upper classes
(b) Urban upper classes
(c) Urban middle classes
(d) Rural middle classes
Chapter 1 : Introducing Indian society

Ans: (c) Urban middle classes

Q 2.Societies where women inherit property from their mothers are called:
(a)maternal societies
(b)matriarchal societies
(c)matrilocal societies
(d)matrilineal societies
Chapter 3:Social Institutions Continuity and Change

Ans: (d) matrilineal societies

Q 3. Orthodox members of the Hindu community in Bengal formed an organisation called ___________ and petitioned the British arguing that reformers had no right to interpret sacred texts. Chapter 2 : Cultural Change

Ans: Dharma Sabha

Q 4.The establishment of rule by one country over another is known as:
(c) Colonialism
(d) Feudalism
Chapter 1 - Structural Change

Ans: (c) Colonialism

Q 5.The basic norm from which all other rules and authorities flow is known as:
(b)Supreme Court
Chapter 3 - The Story of Indian Democracy

Ans: (a) Constitution

Q 6.Who invented the system of scientific management ?
Chapter 5 : Change and Development in Industrial Society

Ans: Frederick Winslow Taylor

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Q 7.State the meaning of the term social exclusion?
(Chapter 5: Patterns of Social inequality and Exclusion)

Social exclusion refers to ways in which individuals may become cut off from full involvement in the wider society. It focuses attention on a broad range of factors that prevent individuals or groups from having opportunities open to the majority of the population.

Q 8.What is meant by observation method?
(Chapter 7 : Suggestions for project work)

Observation is a method where the researcher must systematically watch and record what is happening in whatever context or situation that has been chosen for the research. This sounds simple but may not always be easy to do in practice.

Q 9.What is meant by the term lock-out?
Chapter 5: Change and Development in Industrial Society

In a lock-out the management shuts the gate and prevents workers from coming.

Q 10.Who called upon the media to function as a watch-dog of democracy?
Chapter 7: Mass Media and Communications

Jawaharlal Nehru, the first prime minister, called upon the media to function as the watchdog of democracy.

Q 11.Who opened the first school for women in Pune?
Chapter 2 - Cultural Change

The social reformer Jotiba Phule opened the first school for women in Pune.

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Q 12.The chief architect of the Indian Constitution is:
(a) Pandit Jawaharlal Nehru
(b) Dr. Rajendra Prasad
(c) Dr. B. R. Ambedkar
(d) Mahatma Gandhi
(Chapter 6 :The challenges of cultural diversity)

Ans: (c) Dr B. R Ambedkar

Q 13.During which period Indian consciousness took shape?
(a) Colonial period
(b) French period
(c) Persian period
(d) Mughal period
(Chapter 1 : Introducing Indian Society)

Ans: (a) Colonial period

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Q 14.The economic, political and administrative unification of India was achieved at great expense under
(a) French rule
(b) Emergency rule
(c) Colonial rule
(d) Dutch rule
(Chapter 1 : Introducing Indian Society)

Ans: (c) Colonial rule.

Q 15.The hierarchical ordering of castes is based on the distinction between
(a) Occupation and status
(b) Religion and rituals
(c) Norms and authority
(d) Purity and pollution
(Chapter 3 :Social Institutions Continuity and Change)

Ans: (d) Purity and pollution

Q 16.The emergence of machine production based on the inanimate power resources like steam and electricity is known as
(a) Globalization
(b) Industrialisation
(c) Capitalism
(d) Colonialism
Chapter 1 - Structural Change

Ans: (b) Industrialisation

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Q 17.The highest court and the ultimate interpreter of the Constitution is
(a) The Civil Court
(b) The District Court
(c) The High Court
(d) The Supreme Court
Chapter 3 - The Story of Indian Democracy

Ans: (d) The Supreme Court

Q 18. Patterns of unequal access to social resources are commonly called as ___________ .
a) Social Stratification
b) Social Exclusion
c) Social Equality
d) Social Inequality
Chapter 5 : Patterns of social inequality and exclusion

Ans: d) Social Inequality

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Q 19.What are prejudices ?
(Chapter 5: Patterns of Social inequality and Exclusion)

Prejudices refer to pre-conceived opinions or attitudes held by members of one group towards another. The word literally means "pre-judgement", that is, an opinion formed in advance of any familiarity with the subject, before considering any available evidence.

Q 20.State one feature of community identity.
(Chapter 6: The challenges of cultural diversity)

Community identity is based on birth and "belonging" rather than on qualifications or "accomplishment". These kinds of identities are called "ascriptive" – that is, they are determined by the accidents of birth and do not involve any choice on the part of the individuals concerned.

Q 21.What is disinvestment ?
Chapter 5: Change and Development in Industrial Society

The government is trying to sell its share in several public sector companies, a process which is known as disinvestment. Many government workers are scared that after disinvestment, they will lose their jobs.

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Q 22. The First Backward Classes Commission was headed by _______________ .
a) B. P. Mandal
b) Pandit Nehru
c) Kaka Kalelkar
d) Ram Manohar Lohia
Chapter 5 : Patterns of social inequality and exclusion

Ans: c) Kaka Kalelkar

Q 23.Define a Reformist Social Movement.
Chapter 8: Social Movements

Reformist social movements strive to change the existing social and political arrangements through gradual, incremental steps.
Right to Information campaign are examples of reformist movements.

Q 24.The main carriers of nationalism who led the campaign for freedom during colonial period were the
(a) Rural middle classes
(b) Urban middle classes
(c) Urban upper classes
(d) Rural upper classes
(Chapter 1 : Introducing Indian Society)

Ans: (b) Urban middle classes

Q 25.The ways in which individuals may become cut-off from full involvement in the wider society is known as
(a) Social inclusion
(b) Social inequality
(c) Social exclusion
(d) Social stratification
(Chapter 5 : Patterns of Social inequality and Exclusion)

Ans: (c) Social exclusion

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Q 26.A state is "a body that successfully claims a monopoly of legitimate force in a particular territory", according to
(a) Karl Marx
(b) August Comte
(c) Max Weber
(d) Jacques Rousseau
Chapter 6: The Challenges of Cultural Diversity

Ans: (c) Max Weber

Q 27.Who proposed a resolution against the evils of polygamy in the All India Muslim Ladies Conference?
(a) Begum Rokeya Sakhawat Hossain
(b) Jahanara Shah Nawas
(c) Sir Sayed Ahmed Khan
(d) Pandita Ramabai
Chapter 2 - Cultural Change

Ans:(b) Jahanara Shah Nawas

Q 28.The laws that imposed an upper limit on the amount of land that can be owned by a particular family is known as
(a) Abolition of Zamindari System
(b) Tenancy Abolition and Regulation Act
(c) Raiyatwari System
(d) Land Ceiling Act
Chapter 4: Change and Development in Rural Society

Ans : (d) Land Ceiling Act

Q 29.The Bombay Textile Strike of 1982 , was led by the trade union leader
(a) Kisan Salunke
(b) Dr Datta Samant
(c) Datta Iswalkar
(d) Jaiprakash Bhilare
Chapter 5: Change and Development in Industrial Society

Ans: (b) Dr Datta Samant

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Q 30.The first attempt at printing books using modern technologies began in
(a) America
(b) Africa
(c) Asia
(d) Europe
Chapter 7: Mass Media and Communications

Ans: (d) Europe

Q 31.A family which consists of only one set of parents and their children is known as :
(a) Matrilocal family
(b) Extended family
(c) Nuclear family
(d) Patrilocal family
Chapter 3:Social Institutions Continuity and Change

Ans: (c) Nuclear family

Q 32.The orthodox members of the Hindu Community in Bengal formed an organisation is called :
(a) Gram Sabha
(b) Lok Sabha
(c) Rajya Sabha
(d) Dharma Sabha
Chapter 2 - Cultural Change

Ans: (d) Dharma Sabha

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Q 33.The traditional political system having its own council known as the "Durbar Kur" is found among the :
(a) Khasis
(b) Bhils
(c) Gonds
(d) Mundas
Chapter 3: The story of Indian Democracy

Ans: (a) Khasis

Q 34.What is Social inequality ?
Chapter 5 : Patterns of social inequality and exclusion

Ans: Pattern of unequal access to social resources is called social inequality.

Q 35.Name the broad arena which lies beyond the private domain but outside the domain of both state and market.
Chapter 6: The Challenges of Cultural Diversity

Ans: Civil society

Q 36._____________ led the social reform movement in Islam.
Chapter 5 : Patterns of social inequality and exclusion

Ans: Sir Syed Ahmed Khan.

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Q 37.Name the first modern mass media institution.
Chapter 7 : Mass Media and Communications

Ans: Printing press

Q 38.During the colonial rule the long distance trade in salt was controlled by a marginalised tribal group called :
a) Banjaras
b) Mundas
c) Bohras
d) Vaisyas
Chapter 4. The Market as a Social Institution

Ans: a) Banjaras

Q 39.The changes brought about in Indian society and culture as a result of 150 years of British rule is known as :
a) Modernisation
b) Industrialisation
c) Westernisation
d) Sanskritisation
Chapter 2 : Cultural Change

Ans: c) Westernisation

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Q 40.The basic norm from which all other rules and authorities flow is called the :
a) Constitution
b) Judiciary
c) Legislative
d) Executive
Chapter 3 : The Story of Indian Democracy

Ans: a) Constitution

Q 41.Mention any one advantage of the survey method.
Chapter 7 : Suggestions for Project Work

Ans: The main advantage of the survey is that it can cover a lot of people, so that the results are truly representative of the relevant group or population.

Q 42.State any one way of making workers produce more.
Chapter 5: Change and Development in Industrial Society

Ans: By extending the working hours.

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Q 43.Name the scholar who argued that Newspapers were responsible for the growth of Nationalism in India.
Chapter 7 - Mass Media and Communications

Ans: Benedict Anderson

Q 44.The media was called upon to function as the watchdog of democracy:
a) Narendra Modi
b) Indira Gandhi
c) Jawaharlal Nehru
d) Rajiv Gandhi
Chapter 7 - Mass Media and Communications

Ans:c) Jawaharlal Nehru

Q 45. English newspapers circulate across regions and are also called:
a) International dailies
b) vernacular dailies
c) Regional dailies
d) National dailies
Chapter 7 - Mass Media and Communications

Ans: d) National dailies

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Q 46. The first modern media institution began with the development of:
a) Television
b) Radio
c) Internet
d) printing press
Chapter 7 - Mass Media and Communications

Ans: d) National dailies

Q 47. Under this rule the newspapers and magazines, films and radio comprised the range of mass media:
a) British
b) Portuguese
c) Mughal
d) Indian
Chapter 7 - Mass Media and Communications

Ans: d) National dailies

Q 48. The management Shuts the gate and prevents workers from entering:
a) Lock out
b)Lock in
c) Strike
d) Walk out
Chapter 5 : Change and Development in Industrial Society

Ans: a) Lock out

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Q 49.The 1989 Prevention of Atrocities Act revised and strengthened the legal provisions punishing acts of violence or humiliation against _____________.
Chapter 5 : Patterns of social inequality and exclusion

Ans: Dalits and Adivasis

Q 50. The Indian leader who like Karl Marx realised that mechanisation would pose a threat to employment:
a) Dr. Ambedkar
b) Bal Gangadhar Tilak
c) Raja Ram Mohan Roy
d) Mahatma Gandhi
Chapter 5 : Change and Development in Industrial Society

Ans: d) Mahatma Gandhi

Q 51. Scientific Management is the term coined by:
a) J.R.D. Tata
b) Anil Ambani
c) Frederick Winslow Taylor
d) Rahul Bajaj
Chapter 5 : Change and Development in Industrial Society

Ans: c) Frederick Winslow Taylor

Q 52. Name the Dutch sociologist who coined the term "Foot Loose Labour".
a) Auguste Comte
b) Verrier Elwin
c) Herbert Spencer
d) Jan Breman
Chapter 4 : Change and Development in Rural Society

Ans: d) Jan Breman

Q 53. McCarthy and ________ proposed resource mobilisation theory. Chapter 8 : Social Movements

Ans: Zald

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Q 54. Aggressive chauvinism based on religious identity is called __________. Chapter 6 : The Challenges of Cultural Diversity

Ans: communalism

Q 55. The ways in which individuals may be cut off from full involvement in the wider society is called as ____________.
a) Social Stratification
b) Social Exclusion
c) Social Equality
d) Social Equality
Chapter 5 : Patterns of social inequality and exclusion

Ans: b) Social Exclusion

Q 56.The English word "caste" is borrowed from the Portuguese casta, meaning ______________.
Chapter 3 : Social Institutions: Continuity and Change

Ans: pure breed

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Q 57.The citizens of states like Manipur or Nagaland don’t have the same rights as other citizens of India because their states have been declared as _____________.
Chapter 3 : Social Institutions: Continuity and Change

Ans: disturbed areas

Q 58.The Reddys and Khammas are dominant caste in:
a) Haryana
b) Bihar
c) Andhra Pradesh
d) Gujarat
Chapter 3 : Social Institutions: Continuity and Change

Ans: c) Andhra Pradesh

Q 59.The Vokkaligas are a dominant caste in:
a) Bihar
b) Haryana
c) Karnataka
d)Andhra Pradesh
Chapter 3 : Social Institutions: Continuity and Change

Ans: c) Karnataka

Q 60.Endogamy refers to :
a) Marrying within the caste
b) Inter-caste marriage
c) Upper caste marriage
d) Backward caste marriage
Chapter 3 : Social Institutions: Continuity and Change

Ans: a) Marrying within the caste

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Q 61.Name some of the biggest tribes in India.
Chapter 3 : Social Institutions: Continuity and Change

Ans:The biggest tribes are the Gonds, Bhils, Santhals, Oraons, Minas, Bodos and Mundas.

Q 62.The book "Wealth of Nations" was written by _________.
a) Max Weber
b) Adam Smith
c) M. N. Srinivas
B. P. Mandal
Chapter 4 : The Market as a Social Institution

Ans: b) Adam Smith

Q 63.The idea of a "free market", that is, a market free from all kinds of regulation whether by the state or otherwise was proposed by ___________.
a) Max Weber
b) Adam Smith
c) M. N. Srinivas
d) B. P. Mandal
Chapter 4 : The Market as a Social Institution

Ans: b) Adam Smith

Q 64.The idea of the "free market" was also called ________, a French phrase that means "leave alone" or "let it be".
Chapter 4 : The Market as a Social Institution

Ans: laissez-faire

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Q 65.The Nakarattar banking system was a _________ banking system.
Chapter 4 : The Market as a Social Institution

Ans: Caste based or joint family

Q 66._______ _____________ is a characteristic of society, not simply a function of individual differences.
Chapter 5 : Patterns of Social Inequality and Exclusion

Ans: Social stratification

Q 67.__________ refer to pre-conceived opinions or attitudes held by members of one group towards another.
Chapter 5 : Patterns of Social Inequality and Exclusion

Ans: Prejudices

Q 68.Name the person who founded Satyashodak Samaj.
Chapter 5 : Patterns of Social Inequality and Exclusion

Ans: Jotiba Phule

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Q 69.The chief architect of the Constitution of India was ___________.
a) Dr. B.R. Ambedkar
b) Mahatma Gandhi
c) Pandit Nehru
d) Jotiba Phule
Chapter 6: The Challenges of Cultural Diversity

Ans: a) Dr. B.R. Ambedkar

Q 70.Community identity is based on ___________.
a) Nation
b) Birth
c) Attitude
d) Class
Chapter 6: The Challenges of Cultural Diversity

Ans: b) Birth

Q 71.______________ refers to the emergence of machine production, based on the use of inanimate power resources like steam or electricity.
Chapter 1: Structural Change

Ans: Industrialisation

Q 72. Which of the following stages, as per the Theory of Demographic Transition, is that of high population growth?
a) First Stage
b) Both first and second stage
c) Second Stage
d) Third Stage

Ans: c) Second Stage

Q 73. Which of the following statements is not true for the institution of caste today?
a) some scholars argue that what we know today as caste is more a product of colonialism than of ancient Indian tradition.
b) Counting and official recording of caste identities gave the institution a new life.
c) The institution became extremely flexible
d) Government of India Act of 1935 was passed which gave legal recognition to the lists or 'schedules' of castes and tribes marked out for special treatment by the state. This is how the terms 'Scheduled Tribes' and the 'Scheduled Castes' came into being.

Ans: c) The institution became extremely flexible

Q 74. Which of the following reasons are responsible for the invisibility of the caste system in the upper castes and upper middle class?
a) Policy of reservation
b) Education and Employment in Private Sector
c) developmental policies of the post-colonial era
d) their lead over the rest of society (in terms of education) did not ensure protection from serious competition

Ans: b) Education and Employment in Private Sector

Q 75. "Considering from an urban point of view, the rapid growth in urbanization shows that the town or city has been acting as a magnet for the rural population." Choose the incorrect statement about urbanization in India?
a) Rural- to- Urban migration has increased due to decline in common property resources.
b) Urban areas are a decisive force in terms of political dynamics.
c) People go to cities in search of work.
d) Cities offer anonymity to the poor and oppressed class.

Ans: b) Urban areas are a decisive force in terms of political dynamics.

Q 76. In which ways Adivasis struggles are different from Dalit struggle?
a) They were not discriminated against like the Dalits.
b) Their social and economic conditions were better than the Dalits
c) They did not face social exclusion like the Dalits
d) Adivasis were concentrated in contagious areas and could demand statehood

Ans: d) Adivasis were concentrated in contagious areas and could demand statehood

Q 77. Stereotypes fix whole groups into single_______ categories, they refuse to recognize the_______ across individuals and across context or across time.
a) Homogeneous, variation
b) Heterogeneous, similarities
c) Broad, similarities
d) Diverse, differences

Ans: a) Homogeneous, variation

Q 78. Person from a well-off family can afford expensive higher education. Someone with influential relatives and friends may - through access to good advice, recommendations or information - manage to get a wellpaid job. Which concept is being talked of?
a) Forms of capital by Bourdieu
b) Resources by Bourdieu
c) Ideal types by Max Weber
d) Ideal Types by Bourdieu

Ans: a) Forms of capital by Bourdieu

Q 79. Cultural diversity can present tough challenges. Which of the following is not a reason for challenge?
a) It can arouse intense passions among its members and mobilise large numbers of people
b) Economic and social inequalities among the communities.
c) Equal distribution of scarce resources- like river water, jobs or governments funds.
d) Injustices suffered by one community provoke opposition from same communities.

Ans: c) Equal distribution of scarce resources- like river water, jobs or governments funds.

Q 80. Policies promoting integration involve -
a) Outright suppression of identities of groups which are in minority
b) Complete erosion of cultural differences between groups.
c) Elimination of ethno-national and cultural differences from the public arena.
d) All of the above.

Ans: c) Elimination of ethno-national and cultural differences from the public arena.

Q 81. Major difference between developing and developed countries is in the number of people in ___________salaried employment.
a) Daily Wages
b) Regular
c) Irregular
d) Both b) & c)

Ans: b) Regular

Q 82. The Right to Information campaign is an example of ____________.
a) Redemptive Movement
b) Reformist Movement
c) Revolutionary Movemen
d) Old Social Movement

Ans: b) Reformist Movement

Q 83. Which of the following is not a feature of social movements?
a) Sustained collective action
b) Aims to bring about changes on a public issue
c) Shared objectives and ideologies
d) Does not need leadership or structure

Ans: d) Does not need leadership or structure

Q 84.Defenders of Sati formed Dharma Sabha in defence of status quo is an example of _________.

Ans: counter movement

Q 85. Most movements have a mix of redemptive, reformist and revolutionary elements. (State true of false)

Ans: True

Q 86. According to the theories of social movements, social conflict arises when a social group feels that it is worse off than others around it. This is referred to as _________.
a) the logic of collective action
b) resource mobilisation
c) relative deprivation
d) redemptive action

Ans: c) relative deprivation

Q 87. A Bill of Exchange which allowed merchants to engage in long distance trade during pre-colonial period in India, is called ________.

Ans: Hundi

Q 88. India has experienced 'indigenous' capitalism through the economic activities of ________, a business community of Tamil Nadu.

Ans: the Chettiars

Q 89. Culture has become a commodity in growing global market for international tourism. (State true or false)

Ans: true

Q 90. The opening of Indian market to foreign companies has been the key factor of the process of ________.


Q 91. Adivasi literally means :
a) forest inhabitants
b) ancient inhabitants
c) involuntary inhabitants
d) original inhabitants

Ans: d) original inhabitants

Q 92. Social stratification is a system in which people are not in a hierarchy. (State true or false)

Ans: d) false

Q 93. Colonial impact of ________ is seen in the field of art, literature, music and architecture in the Indian society.
a) Westernisation
b) Secularization
c) Modernisation
d) Sanskritisation

Ans: c) Modernisation

Q 94. ________ can impose fines, but cannot award a sentence.

Ans: c) Government authorities

Q 95. Environment friendly policies are made by the ________ Panchayat in the rural areas :
a) Van
b) Gram
c) Nyaya
d) Zila

Ans: c) Government authorities

Q 96. Values like liberty and fraternity are derived from ________ revolution.
a) French and American
b) British and French
c) French and Russian
d) British and Russian

Ans: a) French and American

Q 97. Maintenance of burial grounds and promotion of agricultural activities are known as ________ responsibilities of the Panchayats.


Q 98. A system of tax collection in Colonial India in which the government collected the revenue directly with the cultivator is called :
a) Zamindari system
b) Raiyatwari system
c) Halpati system
d) Jeeta system

Ans: b) Raiyatwari system

Q 99. Jat and Rajputs of U.P. and Lingayats in Karnataka are examples of dominant caste. (State true or false)

Ans: True

Q 100. A situation where people do not enjoy the work but continue to do it only in order to survive is called ________.

Ans: alienation