Please check for Class 12 - History, Political Science Important Questions and Answers
Class 12 - Psychology Important 1 Mark Questions and Answers

List of Questions and Answers

Q 1. In psychoanalysis, the important methods are free association and ______ ______ .

Ans: Dream interpretation

Q 2. An individual is rejected in a job interview, which he was very eager to join. Now he claims his present job is better. He is using__________:
a) Reaction Formation
b) Projection
c) Regression
d) Rationalisation

Ans: d

Q 3. Values refer to the cognitive component of attitudes, and form the ground on which attitudes stand, like belief in the Supreme Being. ( True/ False)

Ans: False

Q 4. Binding or mutual attraction among group members is referred to as _________ .

Ans: cohesiveness

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Q 5. The _______ approach considers intelligence as an aggregate of abilities.

Ans: Psychometric

Q 6. Aversive conditioning is repeated association of undesired response with aversive consequence.(True/False)

Ans: True

Q 7. When you are interacting with a close friend or relative ,you maintain a distance of about 18 inches to 4 feet.This distance is called ________.

Ans: Personal distance.

Q 8. Samina keeps organizing her cupboard the whole day.Even the thought of somebody messing it , keeps her distracted in class and makes her anxious .Such symptoms are typical of which disorder?

Ans: Obsessive compulsive disorder

Q 9. Decoding is taking ideas and giving them meaning. (True/False)

Ans: True

Q 10. Listening is a biological activity that involves reception and attention. (True/False)

Ans: False

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Q 11. Cognitive units called ___________ activate social cognition.

Ans: Schemas

Q 12. Paraphrasing is a process in which feelings and ideas are expressed.(true/false)

Ans: True

Q 13. If a child gives trouble in eating dinner, an antecedent operation would be to praise the child every time he/she finishes dinner . (True/False)

Ans: False

Q 14. People growing up in a large family that lives in a small house develop ___________tolerance.

Ans: Crowding

Q 15. Priya exhibits strong aggressive tendencies but often complains of other people acting in an excessively aggressive way.Identify the defence mechanism:
(a) Rationalisation
(b) Reaction formation
(c) Denial
(d) Projection

Ans: d

Q 16. Creative visualisation is a subjective experience that uses imagery and ___________ .

Ans: Imagination

Q 17. Inability to stop thinking about a particular idea or topic is known as __________ behaviour.

Ans: obsessive

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Q 18. When people attribute failure to task difficulty, they are referring to one of the following factors:
(a) External, stable
(b) Internal , stable
(c) External, unstable
(d) Internal, unstable.

Ans: c

Q 19. Dominating and bullying others without provocation is known as ___________.

Ans: Pressure

Q 20. The ability involved in forming and transforming mental images is called ______________.

Ans: Spatial

Q 21. State in which a person feels she/he has lost something valuable and is not getting what he/she deserves is known as
(a) Discrimination
(b) Deprivation
(c) Poverty
(d) Disadvantage

Ans: b

Q 22. Ritu is hardworking, committed and patiently works towards her goal. She is said to be high on _________ competence.
(a) Cognitive
(b) Emotional
(c) Entrepreneurial
(d) Social

Ans: c

Q 23. Radhika is frustrated and is crying , as she has not prepared well for her examination.The coping strategy that she is using to deal with this stress is :
(a) Avoidance oriented
(b) Task oriented
(c) Problem focused
(d) Emotion oriented

Ans: d

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Q 25. A student thinks that he can complete the task effectively and achieve his goal. This is an example of:
(a) Self efficacy
(b) Self esteem
(c) Self concept
(d) Self control

Ans: a

Q 25. The reaction to external stressors is called ___________.

Ans: Strain

Q 26. 'Perceiving or thinking that one has got less than what one should get' refers to __________.

Ans: Deprivation

Q 27. The therapy that leads to cognitive restructuring has proved to be successful in the treatment of _______________________.
(a) Depression and mania
(b) Schizophrenia
(c) Phobias
(d) Anxiety and depression

Ans: d

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Q 28. A student with high aptitude in verbal reasoning and strong interest in reading is more likely to succeed as a _____________.
(a) Journalist
(b) Engineer
(c) Athlete
(d) Agriculturalist

Ans: a

Q 29. Electroconvulsive therapy (ECT) is a form of _________ therapy.

Ans: Bio-medical

Q 30. Rajat is satisfied only if he does everything perfectly.This is an instance of
(a) Social pressure
(b) Internal Pressure
(c) Conflict
(d) Social stress

Ans: b

Q 31. The interview questions intended to get a person to reflect on what he or she has said are called leading questions.(True/False).

Ans: False

Q 32. When a person tries to make unreasonable feelings/behaviours seem reasonable and acceptable, it is known as __________.

Ans: Rationalisation

Q 33. ____________is an example of negative attitude towards people.
(a) Prototype
(b) Stereotype
(c) Discrimination
(d) Prejudice

Ans: d

Q 34. Cluster of ideas regarding the characteristics of a specific group is known as :
(a) Progressive
(b) Stereotype
(c) Belief
(d) Attitude

Ans: b

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Q 35. A ____________ is a purposeful conversation between two or more people that follows a basic question and answer format.

Ans: Interview

Q 36. Assigning causes to the behaviour shown in specific social situations is known as ________ .

Ans: Attribution

Q 37. Cohesion amongst group members can interfere with effective leadership and lead to disastrous decisions.This process is called:
(a) Cohesiveness
(b) Groupthink
(c) Polarization
(d) Conflict

Ans: b

Q 38. Tendency of respondent to endorse items in a socially desirable manner is known as
(a) Acquiescence
(b) Self-report
(c) Social desirability
(d) Halo effect

Ans: c

Q 39. Learning by observing others and rewarding small changes is a process of _____________ learning.

Ans: vicarious

Q 40. You just found a wallet in a movie hall.Which aspect of your personality , according to psychoanalytic theory , would urge you to return it to the owner?

Ans: Super ego

Q 41. When an individual changes in a direction opposite to the existing attitude, it is called incongruent attitude change (True/ False)

Ans: True

Q 42. Aggression meant to obtain a certain goal or object is known as _________ aggression .

Ans: Instrumental

Q 43. Client-centered therapy focuses on creating unconditional positive regard in the client.(True/False)

Ans: True

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Q 44. Sunil shows loss of interest in most of the activities, cannot sleep well at night, exhibits excessive guilt and loss of interest in activities that he would enjoy earlier. Sunil’s symptoms are akin to that of:
(a) Somatoform Disorder
(b) Obsessive compulsive disorder
(c) Major depressive disorder
(d) Generalised Anxiety Disorder

Ans: c

Q 45. Obedience is the most indirect form of social influence. (True/False).

Ans: False

Q 46. Individual's underlying potential for acquiring skills is known as __________.

Ans: Aptitude

Q 47. Children who have marked difficulties in social interaction and communication, desire for routine and restricted interests are suffering from
(a) Alogia
(b) Impulsivity
(c) Hyperactivity
(d) Autism

Ans: d

Q 48. Psychoneuroimmunology focuses on the links between the mind, the brain and the _________ .

Ans: immune system.

Q 49. Non-verbal communication is known as body language. (True/False)

Ans: True

Q 50. Groupthink is a consequence of extreme cohesiveness. (True/false).

Ans: True

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Q 51. The act of aggression meant to obtain a certain goal or object is ________ aggression.

Ans: Instrumental

Q 52. The capacity to use language fluently and flexibly to express one's thinking and understand others is called __________.

Ans: Linguistic

Q 53. Personality characterised by proneness to depression is known as ______ .

Ans: Type D

Q 54. Personality traits of hardiness are control, commitment and _________.

Ans: challenge

Q 55. Category-based schemas that are related to groups of people are called ____________ .

Ans: stereotypes

Q 56. The impact of any stressful event depends largely on the way we interpret it. (true/false)

Ans: true

Q 57. Ability to organise and monitor our own behaviour is known as ____________.

Ans: self regulation.

Q 58. Personality characterised by proneness to depression is classified as type ______ personality.

Ans: D

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Q 59. __________ is a method in which a person provides factual information about herself/himself.

Ans: Self-report

Q 60. Repeated association of undesired response with an aversive consequence is called __________ conditioning.

Ans: Aversive

Q 61. Act of aggression meant to obtain a certain goal or object is known as ________aggression.

Ans: Instrumental

Q 62. The notion of contextual intelligence implies that intelligence is a product of _________ .

Ans: Culture

Q 63. Non-verbal acts in any talk are referred to as _________.

Ans: Body language

Q 64. ____________ is a consequence of extreme cohesiveness.

Ans: Group polarization.

Q 65. Mood disorders in which both mania and depression are alternatively present is known as ________.

Ans: Bipolar mood disorder

Q 66.Which one of the following is an attribute of well-being
(a) Negative thinking
(b) Generation gap
(c) Ethical conduct
(d) None of the above.

Ans: (c) Ethical conduct

Q 67. Dreams can be explained as
(a) Compounds
(b) Cognitive events
(c) Waking state
(d) State of suggestibility

Ans: (b) Cognitive events

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Q 68.Who is a visionary leader?
(a) One who has medium-term perspective
(b) One who has short term perspective
(c) One who has long term perspective
(d) One who take initiative for need satisfaction

Ans: (c) One who has long term perspective

Q 69.__________ refers to relatively enduring characteristics of a person that make her or him distinct from others.

Ans : Personality

Q 70.Name the Psychologist who proposed two-factor theory of intelligence.

Ans : Charles Spearman

Q 71. Name the Psychologist who proposed structure-of-intellect model.

Ans : J.P. Guilford

Q 72.Who proposed Triarchic Theory of Intelligence.

Ans: Robert Sternberg (1985)

Q 73._______is exceptional general ability shown in superior performance in a wide variety of areas.

Ans: Giftedness

Q 74.__________ refers to those attributes of a person that make her/him different from others.

Ans: Personal identity

Q 75. In _____________, a person tries to make unreasonable feelings or behaviour seem reasonable and acceptable.

Ans: rationalisation

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Q 76. In ___________, people attribute their own traits to others.

Ans: projection

Q 77._____________ is the tendency on the part of the respondent to endorse items in a socially desirable manner.

Ans: Social desirability

Q 78. ___________is the tendency of the subject to agree with items/questions irrespective of their contents.

Ans: Acquiescence

Q 79.The Inkblot Test was developed by ______________.

Ans: Hermann Rorschach

Q 80.The Thematic Apperception Test (TAT) was developed by _________ and ________.

Ans: Morgan and Murray

Q 81.Picture-Frustration Study (P-F Study) was developed by ___________.

Ans: Rosenzweig

Q 82.Stressed individuals may be more likely to expose themselves to____________, which are agents causing physical illness.

Ans: pathogens

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Q 83.________________focuses on the links between the mind, the brain and the immune system.

Ans: Psychoneuroimmunology

Q 84.Removing the evil that resides in the individual through countermagic and prayer, is called as __________.

Ans: Exorcism

Q 85.The term _________ is usually defined as a diffuse, vague, very unpleasant feeling of fear and apprehension.

Ans: anxiety

Q 86.____________ is the inability to stop thinking about a particular idea or topic.

Ans: Obsessive behaviour

Q 87.____________ is the need to perform certain behaviours over and over again.

Ans: Compulsive behaviour

Q 88. _______________is a technique introduced by Wolpe for treating phobias or irrational fears.

Ans: Systematic desensitisation

Q 89.______________ is the procedure wherein the client learns to behave in a certain way by observing the behaviour of a role model or the therapist who initially acts as the role model.

Ans: Modelling

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Q 90.____________is a phenomenon by which the majority group places the blame on a minority outgroup for its own social, economic or political problems.

Ans: Scapegoating

Q 91.________ is the study of the relationships between living beings and their environment.

Ans: Ecology

Q 92.The ability of a counsellor to reflect on what the client says and feels using different words is known as
(a) Decoding
(b) Communication
(c) Listening
(d) Paraphrasing

Ans:(d) Paraphrasing

Q 93.Collection of people assembled for a particular purpose is called an _____________.

Ans: audience

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Q 94.Schemas that function in the form of categories are called ______________.

Ans: prototypes

Q 95.Empathy means understanding things from other person’s perspective.(True/False)

Ans: True

Q 96.A false belief that is firmly held on inadequate grounds is known as ____________ .

Ans: delusion

Q 97.Compulsive behaviour is the inability to stop thinking about a particular idea or topic. (True/False)

Ans: False

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Q 98. The state of physical, emotional and psychological exhaustion is known as
(a) Resistance
(b) Stress
(c) Burnout
(d) Coping

Ans: (c) Burnout

Q 99. Value judgement of a person about himself/herself is called __________ .

Ans: self-esteem

Q 100. If a person has the skill of understanding the motives, feelings and behaviours of other people , he/she is said to have
(a) Interpersonal intelligence
(b) Intrapersonal intelligence
(c) Linguistic intelligence
(d) Social intelligence

Ans: (a) Interpersonal intelligence

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Q 101. Shortage of resources necessary for living refers to _____________.
(a) deprivation
(b) disadvantage
(c) poverty
(d) discrimination

Ans: (c) poverty

Q 102. Fundamental attribution error means explaining the actions of others on the basis of internal causes. True/False

Ans: True

Q 103. Frustration results from _______________ .
(a) incompatibility between two or more needs or motives.
(b) blocking of needs and motives.
(c) expectations from oneself and others.
(d) excessive demands.

Ans: (b) blocking of needs and motives.

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Q 104.A student blames his peer group for his poor performance rather than focusing on his studies. He is said to be using:
(a) Problem focused coping
(b) Task oriented
(c) Emotion oriented
(d) Avoidance oriented

Ans: (d) Avoidance oriented

Q 105.The theory that assumes intelligence as one similar set of abilities is called __________.

Ans: Uni Factor.

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Q 106.The Trigunas are _______, ____________ and _____________.

Ans:sattva, rajas and tamas.

Q 107.Diseases causing agents are known as _____________.
(a) Leucocytes
(b) Antigents
(c) Antibodies
(d) Pathogens

Ans:(d) Pathogens

Q 108.What is Alogia?

Ans:Alogia has been called a poverty of speech, or a reduction in the amount of speech.

Q 109.An alcoholic given mild shock and smell alcohol is which type of behavioural technique?

Ans:Aversive condition.

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Q 110.Schemas that function in the form of categories are called ___________.


Q 111.A collection of people around or a roadside performer is an example of
(a) group
(b) crowd
(c) Mob
(d) Audience

Ans:(d) Audience

Q 112.Participant observation involves becoming an active member of the setting where observation takes place. {T/F}.


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Q 113.Define Libido.

Ans:Libido is a person's overall sexual drive or desire for sexual activity.