Please check Class 11 - Psychology Chapter 1 Mutliple Choice Questions and Answers
Class 11 - Psychology Important 1 Mark Questions and Answers

List of Questions and Answers

1.In terms of helping solve an important social problem such as discrimination , the branch of psychology which is most suitable is______________.
(a) Educational
(b) Clinical
(c) Social
(d) Industrial
Chapter 1 : What is Psychology

Ans: (c) Social

2.During the British rule in India many individuals and groups adopted several aspects of British lifestyle. This change refers to___________.
(a) Enculturation
(b) Acculturation
(c) Socialisation
(d) None of the above
Chapter 3 : The Bases of Human Behaviour

Ans:(b) Acculturation.

3. ____________ refers to cultural and psychological changes resulting from contact with other cultures.
Chapter 3 : The Bases of Human Behaviour

Ans:(b) Acculturation.

4.When we go to a matinee show, on entering the theatre we find it difficult to see things around. However, after spending about 15-20 minutes there, we are able to see almost everything. What is this phenomenon called?
Chapter 5 : Sensory, Attentional and Perceptional Processes

Ans:visual adaptation.

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5.Who conceptualised the Hierarchy of Needs?
Chapter 9 : Motivation and Emotion

Ans:Abraham H. Maslow

6.Lata Mangeshkar is an accomplished singer in the Indian cinema. Name the need which best represents this case in the Maslow’s hierarchy of needs.
Chapter 9 : Motivation and Emotion

Ans: self-actualisation

7.The introspective report in an experiment is given by____________ .
(a) Experimenter
(b) Subject
(c) Both the experimenter and subject
(d) None of the above
Chapter 1 : What is Psychology

Ans: (b) Subject

8.Piaget's stage of cognitive development in which an infant explores the world by coordination of sensory experiences with physical actions is called as ____________.
(a) Sensorimotor stage
(b) Preoperational stage
(c) Concrete operational stage
(d) Formal operational stage
Chapter 4 : Human Development

Ans: (a) Sensorimotor stage

9.Anil searches specifically for a hammer to fix a nail though there are other tools available around him. He is influenced by__________ .
(a) Motivation
(b) Lack of interest
(c) Functional fixedness
(d) None of the above

Ans: (c) Functional fixedness

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10.A small girl catches an inflated balloon which bursts in her hands making a loud noise. She gets very scared. The next time she is made to hold a balloon, the fear response returns. Name the kind of learning involved in this situation.
Chapter 6 : Learning

Ans: S–S learning.

11.In the experiment on forgetting when the subject is asked to recall words from list 1, s/he can recall words from the list 2. Identify the kind of interference.
Chapter 7 : Human Memory

Ans: proactive (forward moving)

12.The variables on which the effect of independent variable is observed is called___________.
Chapter 2 : Methods of Enquiry in Psychology

Ans:dependent variable

13.Artist mostly use ___________________to create an impression of depth on a flat surface.
Chapter 5 : Sensory, Attentional and Perceptional Processes

Ans: Monocular cues

14.__________________stands for a relatively permanent change in a behavioural tendency which occurs as a result of reinforced practice.
Chapter 6 : Learning

Ans: Learning

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15._________________________help flattens the lens to focus the distant objects.
Chapter 5 : Sensory, Attentional and Perceptional Processes

Ans: ciliary muscles

16. _________________is the base of all cognitive activities.
Chapter 8 : Thinking

Ans: Thinking

17. Simultaneous existence of multiple wishes and needs characterise _______________.
Chapter 9 : Motivation and Emotion

Ans: conflict

18.Name the six universal emotions proposed by Darwin.
Chapter 9 : Motivation and Emotion

Ans:joy, fear, anger, disgust, sadness, and surprise.

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19.__________ is a condition that an individual develops in case of failure to adopt an appropriate ego defense.
Chapter 9 : Motivation and Emotion

Ans: Anxiety.

20.Psychoneuroimmunology focuses on the links between the mind, the brain and the _________.
Chapter 1 : What is Psychology

Ans: Immune System

21.___________ are responses or reactions we make or activities we engage in.
Chapter 1 : What is Psychology

Ans: Behaviours

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22.What is Cognition ?
Chapter 1 : What is Psychology

Ans: Cognition is the process of knowing. It involves thinking,problem solving and a host of other mental processes by which our knowledge of the world develops, making us able to deal with the environment in specific ways.

23.____________ is a field of research where psychologists and neuroscientists work together.
Chapter 1 : What is Psychology

Ans: Neuropsychology

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24.__________ Psychology explores how people are affected by their social environments, how people think about and influence others.
Chapter 1 : What is Psychology

Ans: Social

25.________________ psychologists work with persons who suffer from motivational and emotional problems.
Chapter 1 : What is Psychology


26.Category that is used to refer to the number of objects and events is known as _________.
Chapter 6 : Learning

Ans: concept

27.__________ is the tentative answer to a problem.
Chapter 2: Methods of Enquiry in Psychology

Ans: hypothesis

28.The Cannon-Bard Theory of emotion arousal deals with the __________.
a) Corpus callosum
b) Thalamus and Hypothalamus
c) Adrenal Cortex
d) All the above
Chapter 9 : Motivation and Emotion

Ans: b) Thalamus and Hypothalamus

29. ___________ used the term lateral thinking.
Chapter 8: Thinking

Ans:Edward de Bono

30.The simplest kind of learning is called ____________.
Chapter 6 : Learning

Ans: conditioning

31.________________ refers to all learning that takes place without direct, deliberate teaching.
a) Acculturation
b) Socialization
c) Enculturation
d) Culture
Chapter 3: The Bases of Human Behaviour

Ans: c) Enculturation

32. The __________ lobe is primarily concerned with the processing of auditory information.
a) Temporal
b) Frontal
c) Parietal
d) Occipital
Chapter 3: The Bases of Human Behaviour

Ans: a) Temporal

33. The ____________ lobe is mainly concerned with cutaneous sensations and their coordination with visual and auditory sensations.
a) Temporal
b) Frontal
c) Parietal
d) Occipital
Chapter 3: The Bases of Human Behaviour

Ans: a) Parietal

34. The ___________ lobe is mainly concerned with visual information.
a) Temporal
b) Frontal
c) Parietal
d) Occipital
Chapter 3: The Bases of Human Behaviour

Ans: a) Occipital

35.The __________ lobe is mainly concerned with cognitive functions, such as attention, thinking, memory, learning, and reasoning.
a) Temporal
b) Frontal
c) Parietal
d) Occipital
Chapter 3: The Bases of Human Behaviour

Ans: a) Frontal

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